One born every 6mins... Briar's Birth Story!

Let me just clarify Briar is my third. I have read "what to expect when you're expecting" cover to cover more times than I can recall, and have googled every labour sign, symptom and pain imaginable. 

Briar was born 6minutes after I got to the hospital... 

March 7th 2017...
I woke to a contraction.... Not a Braxton hick but a real coming in a wave gripping pain..... And breathe.. Contraction.

Felt another...

This carried on until the morning and I told Neil to go to work as he works in town and they were still 20 mins apart and might stop.... If I only knew... 

I dropped Kyle to school and as I was walking out of his yard I grabbed onto the pillar.. Unable to walk with the pain of another contraction. And just as quick it was gone. Am I imagining this?! I called my mum.. "This might be it but I'm not sure I'll keep you posted" 
I felt a little bit afraid to be honest, afraid of another traumatic birth like Noas. Afraid something might go wrong. Afraid of the pain. And afraid of leaving Noa without me and Kyle in school. 

My brother called around to my house for a "cuppa" (totally sent by my mum) and my contractions were now 5mins apart.. "I'll be fine when I get an epidural" I reassured my worried looking 22 year old brother! "I'll give Noa a bath and call mum home after" bare in mind Noas labour was 11 hours and Kyle was 9.. And not one to be a drama queen ;) I thought time was on my side! 

Draped over the bath the contractions were getting really intense... And I felt extreme pressure. 
"I'll just lie down for a few see how I feel" 


I called my mum.... 

She was in mine and told me to come downstairs and she would bring my to the hospital. 

I made it just to the end of the stairs and I was on all fours on the bottom step. Couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't breathe.

All I managed was "call an ambulance"

My mum called an ambulance..

Mum called again... 

Two paramedics came into my hall, I'm still on all fours... 
"Don't worry love I've delivered loads of babies in my time" as he is popping on his blue latex gloves.. 

Not a chance... He was not delivering my baby! And after what happened with Noa I was way to scared to deliver at home..

So with that said they carried me to the ambulance...

Arrived at NMH. And God help whoever saw me being brought to the delivery room... I would say I scared the LIFE out of any first time expectant mothers.. 
Apologies, labours really not that bad!! ;) 

As soon as I spotted the midwife I said I need an epidural.. 
Why are woman so afraid to give birth without one?! Of course there was no time and the worst bit I knew was over but I felt I needed one to push her out.. 

She examined me and I was 10cm... 
Neil was right by my side (as always) and my mum.. 

Neil said "we are gonna meet our baby really soon" 
"I know honey.." I said, thinking yeah I get it... I know now I'm in labour... 

"No Laura her head is out..." And with one more push she was born... 

Our beautiful Sleeping Beauty was born... 
Briar Rose
7lb 4oz

I've only just gotten over the shock....
Thanks for reading... And following.. 