My skin journey with Renaissance Clinic and Image Skin care

I have had acne for the last 4 years. About 5 years ago I got psoriasis (inherited from my nana) and I think the two are linked. My skin on my face began to act up not too long after on my second pregnancy, with my first daughter Noa. 
I always presumed it was pregnancy related and hormonal. Now I'm not so convinced. I think everything together plays a big part in my skin.Psoriasis, hormones, pregnancy, breastfeeding and stress. And now I am left with damaged skin that needs some help. I've blogged about trying different things from homemade recipes to every over the counter brand out there!! Nothing ever worked. 

Skin is very specific and for me I knew I needed a pharmacutical grade skin care regime. 
I visited two salons for a skin consultation one was Monica Tolans in malahide. The other the Renaisance Clinic in Howth. Both deal with pharmacutical brands that can't be bought over the counter. I was very disappointed with Monica Tolans, you can read why here. And completely at ease with the Renaissance clinic. They made me feel calm, hopeful and like I am in very safe hands. Sarah recommends 6 peels for my skin problems and 3 micro-needling sessions. 
What I loved about Image Skin care is with each session you get a prescription with what products you should use morning and evening to help your skin and also to prepare it for the next peel which will be a higher strength. I won't post what I am using because as I said, skin is specific and everyone's will be different. But I will say I am seeing some big difference!! 
My first peel was a non chemical peel. It was the peel and a gentle way to start my treatment. My skin looked amazing after just two weeks of using there products and one peel. 

My skin hasn't reacted to the products what so ever. My skin is thriving. And although the redness and problem areas are still there it's all under the skin and my skin is so soft I can't explain it. 

The illuma serum that is a big part of my daily routine has completely helped to take the redness out of my skin. It hasn't looked this calm in about 4 years. 
Sarah told me after my first peel I may break out. And a couple of days after I took these pics I did break out. 

The first thing I noticed about this breakout which was different to all my breakouts in the past, was that this one came all at once and didn't last very long.  Before my month was just a continued cycle of breakouts no end and beginning. This time they all came together and within 3 days were almost gone. My skin over all is very healthy and I think means it can easily deal with breakouts. Because let's be honest I will still get breakouts. We all do. But I think the biggest thing we can do to help ourselves is make sure our skin is in the best health it can be and our breakouts will be here and gone in the blink of an eye. 
My peels are scheduled about every two weeks so I will check back in after my next one.